Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Gone Fishing...

Just to let you all know that I haven't died, fallen off the planet or been abducted by aliens, etc. I have exactly 11 days till I have to hand up my 10,000 word honours thesis and unfortunately that means that I have had to abandon seeking out wonderful inspiration for the time being...dam priorities and responsibilities! I will be back bigger and better on the 1st June.

Love you all x

P.S. here is a pretty image.

(Image from The Cherry Blossom Girl)


  1. stunning pic and good luck for meeting the deadline, can't wait until you are back xxxxx

  2. Hi! I (fortunately) stumbled on your blog and wanted to know if there is -any- way to find out where Nicki got those candle holders from her wedding (Nicki+Ben). I couldn't find your e-mail so I hope you're able to see this when you get a chance :) Good luck on your thesis and defense (if you're having it)!!
